Yesterday, following a week of activities, we officially celebrated Labor Day and CDM’s 18th anniversary. Today, our vision remains the same as it did when we opened the doors to our first office in Zacatecas back in 2005: a world where borders aren’t barriers to justice and the rights of migrant workers are respected and laws and policies reflect their voices and experiences.

To launch the week of activities, Daria Hernandez, a leader in our Migrant Defense Committee, and CDM staff joined the U.S. Department of Labor, the Mexican government and other governments for the kick-off of Labor Rights Week. As a keynote speaker, Daria spoke passionately, advocating for the rights of her fellow migrant workers, challenging discrimination and retaliation, and championing better access to healthcare. She inspired us with her courage, clarity and call to action.

Daria’s journey hasn’t been a solitary one. She has drawn strength from the collective efforts of the Migrant Defense Committee, made possible by the unwavering support of people like you—migrant worker leaders, our supporters, allies, former staff and volunteers, and donors. You’ve stood by us, believed in our mission, and made a real impact in the lives of migrant workers.

As we celebrate this 18th anniversary, our commitment remains steadfast: We will continue building power with migrant workers, fighting for justice in the courts and advocating for fair labor migration policies. And now, I invite you to heed Daria’s courageous call“Every one of you has the power in your hands to do something to improve the lives of workers like me, and we’re counting on you to act.”


Thank you for being a part of our story for 18 extraordinary years. Together, let’s keep advancing migrant justice!