The Issues

EVERY YEAR, hundreds of thousands of migrant workers are recruited internationally to perform seasonal, high-risk, low-wage labor in the United States. Many of these men and women travel mainly from Mexico  to rural and remote U.S. farms and factories to labor in some of the lowest paid sectors of the economy. Their numbers are only growing. 

Once in the U.S. migrant workers are subject to a system rife with abuse that creates conditions for workers to suffer health and safety violations, sexual harassment, wage theft, and retaliation. In some cases, the economic coercion by employers leads to labor trafficking. 

Here’s how we fight back…

Worker Education and Leadership Development. We conduct “know your rights” trainings and leadership development trainings with migrant workers and provide rights information and resources to migrant workers in high-risk industries.

Policy Advocacy. We advocate for fair labor migration policies and provide analysis and recommendations to Mexican and U.S. policymakers, and we join forces with workers, unions and immigrant rights organizations to campaign for migrant workers’ rights.

Intake and Referral. We are a critical point of contact for migrant workers, providing intake, evaluation, and referral for the many workers who seek us out when they face labor abuses.

Strategic Litigation. CDM engages in strategic litigation in U.S. state and federal courts to advance the workplace and civil rights of migrant workers who are in the United States or have returned to Mexico. Our court victories have established important precedents to protect low-wage workers’ rights.

Litigation Support. We provide expert, professional litigation support services from investigation and witness location to remote deposition and settlement distribution.