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Agnieszka Frysman

Agnieszka Frysman

Partner, Cohen MIlstein

Agnieszka is a Partner at Cohen Milstein, and is Chair of the firm’s Human Rights practice group. She has been recognized as leading one of the best private international human rights practices in the world. Agnieszka represents individuals who have been victims of torture, human trafficking, forced and slave labor and other violations of international law. A recognized expert and leader in the field of human rights law, Agnieszka was a member of the legal team that successfully represented survivors of Nazi-era forced and slave labor against the German and Austrian companies that allegedly profited from their labor. These cases were resolved by international negotiations that resulted in multi-billion dollar settlements. She also represented, pro bono, Holocaust survivors suing Swiss banks that collaborated with the Nazi regime during World War II. This litigation led academics to revise their assessment of Switzerland’s relationship with Nazi Germany and exposed the extent of business participation in the Holocaust. Agnieszka has litigated trafficking cases, and earned the National Law Journal Pro Bono Award for efforts on behalf of Nepali laborers injured or killed at U.S. military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. As an immigrant herself, Agnieszka is proud to serve on the CDM board.

Cori Alonso-Yoder
Laurie Burgess
Rodolfo Cordova Alcaraz
Agnieszka Frysman
Liliana Giffen
Liliane Loya
Emiliano Martínez
Juan J. Martínez-Hill
Elizabeth O’Connor
Sarah Paoletti
Joseph Thurakal
Josephine Weinberg