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Liliane Loya

Liliane Loya

Founder, INNO

Liliane Loya is the Deputy Director of the MacArthur Foundation’s Mexico office, and is in charge of its human rights program. Since 2011, Liliane Loya has been working with the MacArthur Foundation on human rights and reproductive health programs, and was in charge of the migration program until 2015. She has worked with civil society organizations in Mexico and the United States in project coordination and liaison with regional agencies. Prior to working with the MacArthur Foundation, Liliane served as Labor Affairs Attaché at the Mexican Embassy in Ottawa, overseeing the implementation of the Canada-Mexico Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program. At the beginning of her career she worked as coordinator of outreach and liaison at Sin Fronteras, a Mexican civil organization advocating for migrant workers’ rights. Liliane has a master’s degree in development and social change from Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, Washington, D.C. and has collaborated with experts on topics including justice, human rights, and migration in research for academic publications.

Cori Alonso-Yoder
Laurie Burgess
Rodolfo Cordova Alcaraz
Agnieszka Frysman
Liliana Giffen
Liliane Loya
Emiliano Martínez
Juan J. Martínez-Hill
Elizabeth O’Connor
Sarah Paoletti
Joseph Thurakal
Josephine Weinberg